Enhanced accounting system
The new features enable processing tax invoices, delivery documents, adjustment notes, and vendor payments to be completely paperless. The team reduced the risk of payment errors by implementing controls that ensured the supporting documents were accurate.
Integration with the procurement system
The procurement system integrates seamlessly with systems to eliminate paper-based steps in raising and approving a purchase requisition. Once approved, the accounting system automatically reflects the purchase order and is ready for invoicing, delivery and payment.
User guides
The team developed training videos and user guides to help the organisation adopt the new process. Our consultants supported the client's team of coaches in producing the necessary materials, recording the new features' demonstrations, and training the users across multiple projects in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.
Automated test scripts
Our team significantly increased the application's automated test coverage, including the integration between the procurement and accounting systems. The tests reduce the ongoing effort required to make future changes to the functionality, give more confidence in refactoring, and reduce the risk of errors that impact business operations or compliance with the tax laws.
Established quality assurance process
In collaboration with the client team, we established robust quality assurance processes and practices that verify new functionality at every stage of the software development process.