Fabric Group is an information and communications technology company. We have prepared this statement to explain how Fabric Group protects the personal information we collect.
The Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) regulate the way that organisations, like Fabric Group, handle personal information, including sensitive information such as health details. The NPPs have been used to formulate all of our privacy procedures and policies.
Additionally, as a business services and communications company we sometimes provide services for clients that involve the handling of personal information collected by them. In such situations we work closely with our clients to ensure that the privacy requirements of the legislation are addressed where the information is under our management. Each of these clients has their own responsibilities for privacy compliance and we will happily provide contact details.
As an organisation Fabric Group treats very seriously the ongoing trust you have in us to protect your personal information. We will abide by the National Privacy Principles.
We collect most personal information directly from you. For example, you may supply us with details over the telephone, through our web site, or when you attend a seminar, send us a letter, visit our web sites, or contact us in person.
The type of personal information we collect always includes your name and may include your mailing address, telephone number, email address, place of work, position within an organisation, previous or current buying intentions and other ancillary information. In no circumstances do we collect financial nor health information.
We collect your personal information to provide you with a particular product, service or information at your request or the request of a client with which you are employed or engaged.
We may use or disclose your personal information for purposes related or ancillary to the main reason we collect it, such as:
Your personal information may also be disclosed where:
Fabric Group may share your information with its subsidiaries or related companies.
Fabric Group only discloses personal information to third parties to provide the product or service you have requested or as otherwise permitted by the NPPs. We may contract out some of our functions and activities. For example, we may provide names and addresses to a mailing house to mail account statements to you. In these situations, we prohibit the third parties from using personal information about you except for the specific purpose for which we supply it. Fabric Group does not disclose names and addresses to third parties for the purposes of allowing them to direct market their products and services. We will not distribute your information to third parties overseas except where it is permitted by the NPPs.
From time to time we may use the personal information we have collected from you to identify products and services which may be of interest to you. We may then contact you to let you know about these products or services. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing information, you can opt out at any time.
Your e-mail address will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it or for other purposes permitted by the NPPs. You can request that we remove your details from our e-mailing lists at any time.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date whenever we collect or use it. If you find that current personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us immediately and we will correct it. This can be done over the phone, in writing or via our web site.
Fabric Group will, on request, provide you with information about you which is readily accessible and which may lawfully be provided.
Fabric Group requires that you, as clearly as possible, identify the information requested and where it is located. We will endeavour to respond to your request promptly.
Please note that where we are accessing your information on behalf of a client we do not own the data. The client has primary responsibility for its data and not Fabric Group.
We protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and loss. We also protect it from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.
Only authorised users can access your personal information, and access is only for approved purposes.
Your personal information may be stored in hardcopy documents, as electronic data, or in Fabric Group software or systems. We maintain physical security over our paper and electronic data stores and premises, such as locks and security systems. We also maintain computer and network security. For example, we use firewalls (security measures for the Internet) and other security systems such as user identifiers and passwords to control access to computer systems.
We have comprehensive security policies and procedures documented in our internal security policy. Your personal information will be recorded, amended and deleted only by authorised means.
In addition, all employees sign confidentiality agreements and agree to follow Fabric Group policies as a condition of working for Fabric Group.
We have systems in place to ensure our online dealings with you are as secure and confidential as your dealings with us in person, or on the telephone.
When you look at a Fabric Group web site, a record of your visit is made and we may log the following information for statistical purposes:
Fabric Group may also collect additional technical information for legitimate business purposes such as website security and capacity management.
Fabric Group will not make an attempt to identify users or their browsing activities other than the collection of the above information to improve our web sites.
Our web sites do not provide facilities for the secure transmission of information across the Internet unless stated otherwise.
Cookies are small computer flag files that enable features on web sites to work more efficiently. Cookies can be either "persistent" or "session" based. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer, contain an expiration date, and may be used to track your browsing behaviour upon return to the issuing web site. Session cookies are short-lived, are used only during a browsing session, and expire when you quit your browser.
Our web sites only use session cookies, unless stated otherwise. Web site statistics are generated from the web logs as outlined above.
Upon closing your browser the session cookie expires and is no longer able to track your browsing behaviour. We do not keep any personal information and we cannot identify you should you visit our web sites at a later date.
We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible to let you know who is responsible for managing your inquiry. We will endeavour to respond to your complaint promptly.
This policy will be reviewed from time to time taking account of new legislation, business or technology changes.