Is It Possible to Cut App Development Costs without Losing Quality?

May 11, 2021
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A common hurdle among businesses, especially tech companies, is software quality assurance. Business owners must know how to reduce the costs of developing the app without compromising the output. While it is challenging, it is possible; here are things that could help a quality-conscious business owner launch an app successfully on a budget.

Illustration of the balance between Development Cost and Quality Assurance

Give Emphasis to Planning

Any project requires careful planning to succeed. When developing an app, you need to research the target audience and their behaviours online or on similar apps. The users are responsible for an app's success, so you want to give them the best experience they could have using yours.

Research your competitors and know which companies have similar apps to yours. Familiarize yourself with their features, and note what they don't provide. If possible, download the app or get a copy of it and study the navigation, responsiveness, graphics, and everything that affects UX. Doing this helps you reflect on the uniqueness of your offering.

Planning reduces the need for expensive adjustments due to trial and error. If you have a plan, you can set a budget, limiting unnecessary spending and keeping you on a deadline.

Create Interactive Prototypes

Apps often fail when they don't meet the client or audience's expectations. People aren't likely to keep using an app that frustrates them, which means significant losses to the company that spent time and resources developing it. This situation also means modifications or corrections, which increases the total cost of development.

Prevent this from happening by building an interactive prototype of an app instead of developing it right away. A prototype enables a user to get a dry run of the navigation, features, and UX or UI of an app. 

Making an interactive prototype allows the client and the developer to see if they are on the same page, and tools like Adobe XD, Figma, Invision and more help developers create prototypes. Consult a software consulting company to learn how you can create a prototype for your app.

Launch a Minimum Viable Product

Having an MVP or minimum viable product is the best way to see users' response to your app in a real market setting without going all the way with the expenses. When your product goes to app stores and people start downloading it, you can use in-app feedback to gauge what people think about it. Subsequent updates should provide you with even more insights into the direction you need to take. Launching an MVP saves you time and expenses, and since you've launched the app, you're sure that the updated product will be worth the cost of development.

Outsource Your App Development

Outsourcing an app provides you with several advantages. For one, you don't need to hire, train, and re-train staff members if you outsource your development. Also, outsourcing enables you to regain control of your time and focus on the things you do well. When you delegate tasks, you can choose your app development partner; for instance, if your product revolves around audio or video streaming, you can choose a developer who has experience in producing streaming apps.


According to Philip Crosby, the proponent of the Zero Defects theory in management, the cost of quality is the expense of doing things wrong. When you get things right the first few times, you reduce the cost of producing your app without skimping on quality. Having a skilled app development partner also helps!

Make Fabric Group your partner in developing apps for your clients. We are a software development company out of Melbourne, and we create custom digital platforms that combine design and innovation. Get in touch with us today to learn more!
